B.A.C.K. Pie Baking Contest for 2025 Click on the links below Pie Baking Contest https://docs.google.com/document/d/12UN3mZU_Ei3WBJFCVwnGaKWV7VzHKLIu9SMPPUtLtjg/edit?usp=sharing Pie Baking Contest Information Printable form – Fillable form – https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ol6BqrntSgzhdejJQDQe1FWrRIQXbY1MFp3AtY9stnI/copy |

The BACK committee (Braham Area Committee for Kids) which is a 501 © 3 non-profit Organization. B.A.C.K.’s fundraising efforts help to meet a variety of needs for all kids in the Braham Area Community.
As a fundraising event during Pie Day B.A.C.K. organizes & manages the pie baking contest. B.A.C.K. searches for the celebrity judges so that bakers can get feedback about their pies from people in the know. The pies are then auctioned off. Services donated by Smith Auction.
2023 Celebrity Judges were Rose McGee, Founder of “Sweet Potato Comfort Pie” Laurie McCann Crowell, Owner of Golden Fig in St. Paul Meredith Deeds, consult for Betty Crocker Taste Kitchens
Pie Day Baking Contest Registration
Entry Fee: $5.00 per pie
Bring Pies between 8:00am and 10:00am
to the Braham Evangelical Lutheran Church
905 West Central Drive, Braham
Pie Categories:
1) Fresh Fruit & or Cream
2) Baked Single crust (includes custard)
3) Baked double Crust
4) Children’s (8-12 years old)
5) Apprentice (13-17 years old)
6) Lifetime Achievement (70 + years: pie Baker’s option)
Pies submitted including pie and pie tin/plate & recipe will become the
property of Braham Pie Day once registered for the contest and are not returnable.
Pie Auction at 3:30 pm
2023 Pie Day Baking Winners
Fresh Fruit & or Cream
1st place: Marie Sward – Orange Pina Colada Pie
2nd place: Carol Marsh– Blue Berry Cream Pie
Baked Single Crust
1st place: Kathy Bible – Lemon Strawberry Curd Pie
2nd place: Deanna Truehart – Southern Bourbon Pie
Baked Double Crust
1st place: Deanna Truehart – Amaretto Cherry Pie
2nd place: Carol Marsh – Apple- Cranberry Pie
1st place: Cecilia Graves – PB & J Pie
2nd place: Margo Ann Hesselroth – Maple Syrup Pie
1st place: Kari Olson – Chocolate Amaretto Pie
2nd place: Jenna Burmaster – Grapefruit Gingersnap Pie
Lifetime Achievement
1st place: Dana Yurich – Keeping myself “Octopied” Pie
2nd place: Bev Johnson-Stromstad – Orange Creamsicle Pie
Grand Champion- Best overall Pie
Andrea Bruce – Blueberry Cheesecake Pie
- Connie Reilly making
- Pie Baking Contest
- Medallions
The following are awarded in each division:
FIRST PLACE: $30.00 cash and commemorative medallion
SECOND PLACE: $20.00 cash and commemorative medallion
And a single award of:
GRAND CHAMPION: Overall Best Pie of the contest, $50.00 cash and commemorative medallion