Information below for those interested in becoming a
Craft or Food Vendor:
All Craft Spaces are first come – last years spots are not guaranteed- but we will try our best
1. Prices for Vendor Spots fees for 2025: “CRAFTERS” $60 early bird price post marked before June 1st – $70 after June 1st “FOOD Vendors” $90
2. Vendor hours will be 9:00 am to 5:00 pm – Do not shut down your booth before 5:00 pm and do not get your cars until you are ready to load and go!!
Please Note!!
Read info and updates listed below the links
Craft Show Invite:
Craft Show Registration:
Food Vendor Invite:
Food Vendor Registration:
This form is required of all Vendors: ST19
Spaces fill up quickly so don’t wait!
Please read all info carefully!!
When registering please make sure that all required info is attached with your registration, (money, ST19 form, self -addressed stamped envelope, insurance and all required food licenses – cottage licenses are provided) otherwise we “cannot” reserve you a space until all info has been collected.
Please Note!!
Pie Day Changes for all Vendors & our Guests
There are a few changes coming to Pie Day this year, – the changes are all good and being done for safety reasons for all our guests, vendors and our community.* There will just be some slight adjustments to locations for our food vendors and are overflow craft vendors . All vendors will be located on highway 107 which will remain closed to through traffic – throughout the day from 6:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.* Food and craft vendors will have access to the closed off areas for the purpose of unloading from 6:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Vendors arrving after 8:30 am may be turned away if road has been shut down* All craft vendor vehicles must be off the street by 8:30 a.m. and ready to sell by 9:00 a.m.* Overflow craft fenders will be moved to highway 107 along the curb on the east side of the road* Mobile food units must also be in their spot by 8:30 a.m. and ready to sell food by 9:00 am* All food vendors will be moved to highway 107 along the curb on the west side of the road, with Main Street businesses with their backside.All food vendors will need to supply their own power( generator) 65 decimals are less – We will not be able to supply electric service to any food vendors this year.* Our Sweet as Pie Car Show will also be placed on highway 107 starting at 4th Street and we’ll go down to 6th and / or 8th Street (depending on spaces needed)* Shuttle buses services are strongly suggested for all our guests coming for pie and shopping etc… (there will be road construction on West Central Drive durning Pie Day)* Busses will have 2 drop off locations at the North and South ends of Freedom Park.* The area where food and craft vendors will be will be completely blocked off and no traffic will be allowed through this area. (other then emergency personal From 8:31 a.m. until 5:01 p.m.* After the show: from 5:02 pm to 7:30 pm road will remain closed on Main Street for loading – any vehicles left on Main Street after 6:45 pm you will need to move to the shoulders of the road as the road will reopen at 7:30 pm to thru traffic in both north and southbound lanes.The Braham Pie Day Committee , City Officials, & Braham Police & Braham Fire and Rescue – Feel these changes are necessary for everyone’s safety and to protect our community, vendors and our guests that attend Pie Day, and to make sure the day runs smoothly!Thank you for choosing to spend the day & participate at Braham Pie Day!